Love is not something you should have to think about, 
It should happen by instinct.
If you have to think about it, it isn't native to you.
What then?

Scientifically, it is impossible.

Time is of the essence,
Love is of the essence,
YOU are of the essence.
GOD is the essence of all existence.

Dreams happen
But what you do about them determines your future,

The future will come soon enough,
will you be ready for it?

The very idea of death is the total eradication of life,
unless you know something I don't.
Death doesn't bother me.
I just don't want to be there when it happens.

I know a woman who was raped by a man.
I know a man who was raped by hate.
The woman kept quiet. The man didn't.
Both lost. Forever.

Ego is a genetic "I" disorder.

If you think that you are the only thing that matters,
you are already one step closer to the down escalator.

Life should always be an adventure,
NOT a trip.

Life is a process
Death is an event
Know the difference.

The game of Monopoly was simply the genesis of modern day Republicanism and the only winner was the guy who invented it.

If your brother was an only child, you got problems.

Having your shirt on backwards...Twisted Tee

Golf is the only human endeavor more boring than sleep 
and indeed can resemble death in some players.

Republicans are God's greatest gift...TO THEMSELVES.
Don't believe me, ask one.

Republican ideology is only slightly less smelly than the bottom of a sewer drain...
but similar in many ways.

Changing colors is a DYEING art.

The only thing slower than death is a Republican conscience.

Dead people don't give a shit
Republicans don't give anything to the less fortunate.
Hard to tell the difference sometimes.

Republicans lack heart
Democrats lack a spine
Both lack vision.

If I had to choose between the two major political PARTIES, I would choose to stay home and get drunk by myself. I can figure out how to amuse myself. Neither political party is funny at all.

Selfishness to a Republican is like nuts to a squirrel...OR...
someone with a testicle fetish.

Sex addiction...SO HARD, SO HARD

BY ONESELF...Dressed up with an erection and nowhere to go.

REPUBLICAN BRILLIANCE is merely stupid with a plan.

Repetitive massturbation. Cum again?

If at first you don't suck seed, GET A BIGGER STRAW.

Life is like a river. For long trips you need a boat.

The appraiser came to assess pool, but what he found was a cess pool.
WORDS MATTER. Especially if you really want to swim.

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