Not an easy decision to be sure. But which is better for the country.  Saying no to the process thereby acceding to Trump and complicitly saying what he did and continues to do is ok, and acceptable behavior for a sitting POTUS.


say yes to the process and risk losing the Articles of Impeachemnt in the U.S.Senate.

Is it better to stand against the odds on principle and firmly held convictions or waffle and display a total lack of them.

Democrats in some ways in the worse position because all Republican have to do is continue their unprincipled bullshit and so far they have done pretty well with it BECAUSE there is no shortage of unprincipled whiny self-pitying Republican Americans out here combined with the sleazy gerrymandering they have done for almost 20  years and they tend to win out...or at least they did until 2018.

NOW, there is a clear choice that while not easy is pretty unequivocal especially in light of the Mueller Report.

TRUMP IS A CRIMINAL, an incompetent one, and deserves to be tossed out on his sorry fucking ass.

But will the proper House committees do their due diligence or not? Will the Republicans continue to defy the entire country including their own constituents and stand fast WITH a known pathological liar who constantly displays immoral and unethical and even unlawful behavior.

It is inevitable I suppose for this to play out against the backdrop of the upcoming 2020 elections BUT THAT SHOULD HAVE NO BEARING on the outcome.  Of course it will you can be sure, but to stand on principles and firmly fixed beliefs should supersede that and any other external factor. I doubt that it will but that doesn't mean it shouldn't.

We shall see, mon cher. Time will tell.

El tiempo dirá.

Le temps nous le dira.

El tiempo dirá.

وقت ہی بتائے گا.

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