Well, for one thing, ME.
I am a writer of all things that interest me. I write newspaper columns, poetry, marketing copy, novels (mostly mystery) both fiction and non-fiction. Music too.
I am a musician. Keyboards etc.
Lots of things. Horseback riding, writing obviously and reading, long walks in the country where I live, people...definitely people, and their differences, similiarities , quirks and foibles. Billiards/Pool, The internet and computers, and communications.
I love to travel. I have been and lived lots of places ever since I was old enough to look out the car window or look over the side of the stroller, or out the train or airplane window and was always fascinated at the tableaus before me.
I love what challenges me. Again, people... but mysteries of all kinds, and LIFE. Life challenges us all, and brings a sense of hesitancy to some of us and a real sense of adventure and excitement to others. I fall somewhere in the middle I am afraid.
I love to sit here as I am doing now and look out at the highway in front of the house, watch all the cars and trucks and RV's and motorcycles and even bicycles sometimes going by and often find myself wondering where everyone is going, and so fast. Life is like that too. You can either be a participant or a spectator, and I suspect I am a bit of each.
Shallowness in things and in people. I HATE superficiality because there is so much more just beneath the surface that is SO much more valuable and relevant than just what you can see with the naked eye. I get really buzzed when people ask my age, ask for pics, ask my dick size. This is RUDE. It is also TOTALLY irrelevant. Those things tell you NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...ABOUT ME. I want to be liked or even disliked for WHO I am and NOT for my looks or my stats.
If age and looks and penis stats is all or even just the FIRST thing you ask about me, COLOR ME GONE. I don't play those games, and neither should you. When you do, YOU LOSE OUT on knowing and learning and benefitting from a relationship with a very cool person, but then. How would you know that cause all YOU care about is their looks or their age... NONE of which matters a fuck.
If someone is NOT willing to look INSIDE me and see me for WHO I AM, don't waste my time. I will NEVER EVER ask your age or ask you for pics or how big your dick is (long as you got one we good ... LOL).
Oh yes, probably the LEAST interesting thing about me is the fact that I am gay. DUH. But, while I refuse to hang out in the closet and will admit to being so readily, I dislike anyone focusing on that. I am open, so why do you have to ask? AND I REFUSE to let anyone JUDGE me for my orientation OR ANYTHING ELSE for that matter. Probably the 2nd thing I dislike most after superficiality, is judgementalism . It is narcissistic and petty and says FAR more about the doer than it EVER will about the one being judged. I am guilty sometimes of judging people when I shouldn't and when I catch myself doing it I immediately stop. SNAP judgements are REALLY off-base. Never a good thing, and again... when you make a snap judgement about a person, you lose the ability to learn from them because you more than likely shut them out. When that happens YOU are the LOSER. PERIOD.
There are people on Social Media that I REALLY don't agree with... but can have a relationship with because I do not judge. I will state how I feel usually without being nasty or disagreeable about it and let it go. I don't get into petty arguments when it is obvious that neither of us will change the others opinions. Focus on the things WE DO agree on, and move on.
Violence, hate, petty bigotry and prejudice. WRONG. Discrimination is WRONG. Hate eventually devours the hater and NEVER accomplishes anything positive. HATE is ALWAYS negative. ALWAYS.
HATE is NOT a family value. It is stupid, and destructive. It results in a lot of hateful actions that never heal and always destroy. It isolates except for like-minded people and together they can do a multitude of damage to others and to things.
LOVE is the key that unlocks all the doors in life. Love is what and out of what and why we were created... and you will find that a lot of what I write is about or rooted in love. Tough or otherwise, I want people to 'GET IT'.
EQUALITY IS ALSO A BIG THING WITH ME. It is at the heart of all that I do in the Middle East for equality has been SO NON-EXISTENT there for SO long. ALL PEOPLE DESERVE to live free, and as equals... WITHOUT discrimination or bigotry or hate or attacks on them and their orientation or gender or religion or ethnicity or cultural identity. NO ONE has the right to tell you you are wrong for being gay or straight, white or black or red or yellow, Christian or Muslim, or from a particular region of the world. Your religion is just that, your orientation and gender you did not choose so how can that be wrong. IT ISN'T. I don't give a fuck what a few Muslim clerics SPEW about being gay when so many of THEM...ARE, and pedophiles to boot. Islam is rooted in same-sex relationships as much of Christianity is and only the puritan bigotry of some says that is not so. A thorough study of Islam will find some of the most beautiful poetry ever written is by men to men, statuary dating back as far as 900BC, and such that TOTALLY DEBUNKS the notion that Muslims are homophobic. Even if many muslims are, ISLAM ITSELF ISN'T. Only the additions to the religion by MEN who are afraid of themselves or want to control other people... espouse homophobia, much as is found in the Christian world.
We in America have FINALLY discovered that when you try to take others rights away, yours become vulnerable to those who don't like the way YOU think, believe, live. There are ALWAYS naysayers. If you join them you become like them and you may well find they will turn on you sooner or later. Because their ideology is based on hate and fear and destruction, NOT love and peace
and edification. PEACE, LOVE,
AND JOY should be your mantra.
NOT the other.
and edification. PEACE, LOVE,
AND JOY should be your mantra.
NOT the other.
COPYRIGHT ©2019 by
Dylan S Le Maire
Dylan S Le Maire
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